Inner peace relaxation serenity quotes

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God knew we could only handle so much and that is why he gives us 24 hours in a day.

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If I could go back and tell my 40 something self one thing, it would be not to let time slip away. I guess here we could say it’s about life’s quality not the quantity of tasks that really matter. The biggest myth our generation was brainwashed with was that multitasking made us powerful and successful, thus the brand we all strived to attain was “Supermom.” Women need to stop believing we can do it all. Having cocktails with girlfriends yesterday we talked about how hard it is to raise children in today’s society. When you’re connected to nature, every day really is Earth Day. We need to learn to be happy in a moment because that could very well be tomorrow’s most cherished memory. Our minds are always thinking too much, too fast, and too far ahead. A pretty simple way to grasp on to isolated thinking would be to take a walk outside and open your eyes to nature and its surrounding beauty. If I could tell my younger self one thing, it would be to slow down and enjoy an undisturbed moment every day.

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